Title Big brother Little sister
Author Wiiti Iherma
When I read this story it made me feel angry at the mum because he was so obsessed over his boyfriend .This is evident when the kids were so upset at the mum that they had to leave them because of Hema to make her sister come with her another example is when the mum should be looking after the kids more other then looking after the new boyfriend he can look after himself .This support the point because the mum didn’t even really care about the kids maybe she does little not as much as her new boyfriend.From this we can conclude that Hema is more of an adult than the mum because she act like an adult bringing Janey with making great decision and the mum have a couple blunder with her decision. If I was in Hema’s situation I wouldn't have done that, It because wouldn’t have scared me and her little sister walking all alone. I would rather be in a toxic environment than live on the street .
This made me appreciate my life I could people homeless right now and have no family so this make me feel like really appreciate my life.This is evident when the kids pretty much have no one that really like them so they have to make rethink how I need to really appreciate that I could be them right now with being poor and nearly being like a depressed state.Continued on with weakness of the point is you could be homeless and be like a drug dealer and making millions of dollar,next minute you could be in jail for a decade and being like you have made your biggest mistake in your life ,so it up to you if you want to be a good homeless person or a unkind and untrustworthy homeless person .In summary we have appreciate that homeless could be wolf in a sheep clothing or they can bright be bright and happy with their life so never judge a book by its cover.The author message that want you to know the world is dangerous it is very hard to trust someone once the trust has been broken it is very hard to repair or if there ever will trust you again.
This text has made me think of myself because I’m quite a forgetful person. I would be like a mum and just forget stuff. For example in the story when mum was neglectful of Hema and Janey I might have forgotten them maybe for a couple days being tunnel vision is such a bad thing in your life because you are concentrating on one thing. Supporting my point is that everyone is a forgetful person, no one has a photographic memory so if you make a mistake learn and evaluate what you did wrong.From this we can conclude that people are not perfect it is your mistake and how you learn from them is your choice if it good or bad.The author want us to think about that you should think about all your mistake and try to rebound from it and the mum is alcoholic so she bound to make heaps of mistakes so she need quit that stuff .
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