Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Athletic day

Yesterday  it was athletic day we did loads of events like High jump,Long jump,Sprints etc We start each section it goes normal event fun event  I did average in most the events in the morning The only placement is sack race we you jump with a sack .After morning tea was sprints we you run as fast as possible It was Year 6 called I had lots butterfly in my stomach there were 2 groups of 8  I was scary vs fast pace people in the end  I came 2nd and 3rd was like 1 meter behind I through got beaten and 4th but in the end came 2nd in the semi finals. Later on it was the finals  there were 9 people on 7 lane  I was planning how properly turn out lots blocking lanes shuffling and pushing  I start like few seconds late I was last but then there was block lane so push threw to make to 6th.after was house chants where sing to .Last was relays we came 3rd twice  2nd once and last once .THE END 


  1. Hey there Thomas, my name is Parwin and I am a year 7 from Yaldhurst Model School. I really like
    your blog post because you added lots of information explained everything clearly. This reminded me of
    when we had our Athletics day, it was a fun and challenging day but I enjoyed it! I think that maybe next
    add a few more photos to it and maybe say what you enjoyed the most about Athletics day and how you
    felt at the end of the day but other than that you did a great job!
    How did you feel at the end of the day?

    Looking forward to your next blog posts,

    1. Hi Parwin most of them are big kids so I dont you want to see them. I felt OKAY I don`t think made it

      NICE REGARD Weekly blog
